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  • Abel AU

濾材 Filtration materials

(For English version, please refer to the latter part/简体参阅后半部) -環保意識加強以及主管部門的政策引導,無疑使過濾材料成熱門項目,其中, 金屬織網集成合纖織網和/或無紡布材料,以應對固體,液體和氣體過濾處理的複合型網,過濾材料織造廠需擁有絲網的綜合技術,以及性能卓越的織機,在業界唯獨我們能有效應對這趨勢。 -Environmental awareness coupled with administrations policy guidance lead the filtration materials be the hot items, where the woven metal mesh integrated with woven synthetic mesh and/or non-woven materials to form the combined mesh for deal with solid, fluid and gas filtration, when need the filtration materials weavers possess comprehensive knowledge about mesh. And for sure they desire the very capable looms and we have the answer to this trend; -环保意识加强以及主管部门的政策引导,無疑使过滤材料成热门项目,其中, 金属织网集成合纤织网和/或无纺布材料,以应对固体,液体和气体过滤处理的复合型网,过滤材料织造厂需拥有丝网的综合技术,以及性能卓越的织机,在业界唯独我们能有效应对这趋势。

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